dotnet .NET out of memory - An extreme case of catastrophic failure or bad coding?

A rather unfortunate, and thankfully unusual errors is when the dotnet platform runs out of memory (most likely, in fairness to the large and so easy target that is Microsoft, not at all the fault of the behemoth, but that of the incumbent application...). Admittedly, this is an extreme case, given Windows paging mechanism, where the short-term volatile RAM of the computer can be artificially (how else?) extended by writing less-used data to disk - this extreme case, where even the paging-extensions are failing to acquire enough memory...

User intervention required...

Perhaps this is a case of catastrophic failure - although it seems less preventative, than already too late... So, would it have been simpler to close the offending process and show the user a suitable error message?

The choice presented to the user seems enviable indeed...

So, this seems less a case of preventative catastrophic failure, than lazy coding, where responsibility for a technical decision is dumped onto the user...


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