Lync - wait 15 minutes - Error handling, UX and automatic software updates: a bad example

Not all issues are bugs, and not all issues take a long time to fix. Consider this example from Microsoft Lync (the posh Skype):

Be right back...

Unlike many other application boo-boos exemplified in this series, this one is a bit hard to explain. The message does admit there is a problem, and this is a modal dialog (absorbing all user input and so blocking any other part of the application from processing any new user actions). So, on the face of it, this appears an example of catastrophic failure. However, reading further through the message, we see that the user has a rather specific task to perform: restart and leave it running for 15 minutes.

Restart does seem a little unfortunate and casual: we don't quite know what the problem is, but in fact we DO know the software is, like your aunt Wilma's old car, a bit unreliable, and just needs a bit of a kick and another try every now and then.

Admitting to unreliability is unfortunate, yet the honesty is to be commended - hopefully such open communication around problems will lead to improvements and solutions. The true mystery, however, is the measure of time: the exact specification of exactly 15 minutes to wait, so we can fix it. Images of little elves poring through the system spring to mind: flipping binary switches and applying code and assembly patches. A kind of ingenious SWAT team with a short window of time in which to get in, spot the evil bug-doers, and relieve them of their ill-spent lives with extreme prejudice.

For the long-suffering user, this seems an unfortunate situation indeed: having to manually restart software, so that it can simply update itself - something that surely could be automated. Allowing for this sorry state of affairs, one must admire the kind of imagination and committee-collaboration required to produce such an unusually intricate and curious error message. 

Were all software errors so intriguing, perhaps customers the world over would be that little more forgiving when the occasional bug arises. Complex software the world over keeps things ticking over, yet there is always the odd icy patch on the information super-highway...


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