Tenrox? Un-handled errors in application software - a UX and Quality challenge

Tenrox in a former incarnation was a rather primitive website with a decidedly built-by-desktop-coders feel. It did work, but was difficult to use, and so like many a functionally correct product, did not gain the enthusiasm of its users that any product supplier would desire. The title of the software - Tenrox - made this situation additionally uncomfortable for its long suffering users...

Unfortunately, the user issues were not confined to usability: there were also occasions of unexpected errors:

Although this dialog is ugly, in case of un-handled errors it can actually be catastrophic failure may be the best thing to do. This is to avoid data loss, data leakage, unauthorized access and other unexpected behavior.

Today, Tenrox.com is marketed "a cloud based project management software that helps you plan and schedule your projects track time and expenses" - already sounds better!


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